
To customize the footer, select “Footer” in the left sidebar of the Theme Editor. Then use the settings from the footer sidebar, which may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display.

The general look and feel of your footer is customizable from the footer settings sidebar. This is also where you enable a separator line, payment icons, copyright text, a currency selector and a language selector. Note that your payment methods must be configured in the Shopify admin in order to display the payment icons your store is using. Learn more.

The content of your footer is created by adding blocks in the main sidebar on the left. Each of those blocks can be customized using their own setting sidebar, which may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display. Remember that blocks can be reordered using drag and drop in the sidebar, and deleted by clicking “Remove block” at the bottom of each block’s setting sidebar.

Styling pro tip

The footer is responsive and very flexible. It’s always recommended to resize your browser window to see how your content adapts to different screen sizes, including on mobile. You may, for example, shorten the length of a text, or remove a less relevant block to achieve a more balanced layout.

Powered by Shopify

Shopify does not support a setting in the Theme Editor to disable the “Powered by Shopify” text. If you do want to remove it anyways, this has to be done through the language settings in the Shopify admin. Learn more.