Media with text

To add a media with text section, click “Add section” in the main sidebar on the left. Then customize the layout using its setting sidebar. The section’s setting sidebar may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display. You can delete the section by clicking “Remove section” at the bottom. 

The general look and feel of your section is customizable from the section settings sidebar. The content of your section is created by adding blocks in the main sidebar on the left. Each of those blocks can be customized using their own setting sidebar, which may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display. Remember that blocks can be reordered using drag and drop in the sidebar, and deleted by clicking “Remove block” at the bottom of each block’s setting sidebar.

Styling pro tips

The height of the section is customizable with the media with text section settings (not the block settings). If more than one block is added, the medias will all be of the same ratio. Selecting the “Adapt to image” option will make the section as tall as the first media, unless the text in one block is too long and collides with the container.


Adding more than one block will automatically stack them. In the "Media with text" settings, disable "Stack blocks" to generate tabs at the top of the section. Reorder blocks to change the order of the tabs.

Video media

The section supports both images and videos. This is determined by customizing the block settings. Note that the videos here will auto play with no sound if “Video style” is set to “Background”. They should be understood as a cosmetic background element more than an informative video, just to give more dynamism to your design. If you do have a video that you want to showcase, and for which you’d like to provide the video player with controls and sound, you must select a video style that includes a “Play” button.