Recently viewed

To customize the Recently Viewed banner, select “Recently Viewed” in the left sidebar of the Theme Editor (located above “Footer”). Then use the settings from the setting sidebar, which may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display.

The products displayed in the section are automatically added based on the product pages that have been consulted by the customer. Unless they clear their history or empty their cache, the recently viewed products will remain in the section during the customer’s next visit on your store when using the same computer.

How to best use that section

Best used as the last section above the footer.

Be careful

The Recently viewed section is only visible when browsing outside of the editor. Make sure to preview your page in a web browser to test your section. You can do that easily by saving your customization, and by clicking the "View" option from the menu hidden in the three dots at the top left corner of the Editor.

Why is this section useful?

Depending on your inventory type and catalog size, the typical shopping experience on your store may include many back and forth between product pages and collections. This is especially true for merchants selling products that customers like to compare for their technical specifications, for example. A recently viewed section can facilitate the shopping experience by making it easier to find back a page the customer previously saw, without having to scroll through the entire catalog. It’s all about convenience, reduced friction, and reduced number of clicks so you don’t lose a sale.