Logo list

To add a Logo List section, click “Add section” in the main sidebar on the left. Then customize the layout using its setting sidebar. The section’s setting sidebar may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display. You can delete the section by clicking “Remove section” at the bottom. 

The general look and feel of your section is customizable from the section settings sidebar. The content of your section is created by adding Logo blocks in the main sidebar on the left. Each of those blocks can be customized using their own setting sidebar, which may be located on the right side of your screen if you're using a large display. Remember that blocks can be reordered using drag and drop in the sidebar, and deleted by clicking “Remove block” at the bottom of each block’s setting sidebar.

Styling protips 

Best results will be achieved when the logos are all of the same color, and approximately of the same size. It is also recommended to use transparent PNG images when possible.

How to best use that section

When used on a repeated template (for example the product page template), you may want the section to showcase different logos per product rather than showing the same logos over and over. There are two ways to achieve that: You can either create different product page templates, or connect the logos from the section to metafields.